California Public Company Boards Leave Latinos Out

In their most recent research, the Latino Corporate Directors Association launched the Latino Voices for Boardroom Equity initiative to hold public corporations accountable for the lack of Latinos on their boards of directors. A centerpiece of this effort is tracking Latino board appointments.

The California Boardroom Equity Scorecard and Tracker provide investors, stockholders, and the Latino community with a snapshot of the California public board landscape by publishing a report on a quarterly basis.

The first published Q3 scorecard reported that Latino representation on corporate boards went from a total of 77% in 2019 down to 73% in 2020. While Latinas held 2.7% corporate board seats in 2019 and went up to 3.2% in 2020.


Similarly, the Q4 2020 Scorecard reveals many Cali- fornia boards still lack diversity — nearly one-third, 31.2% of California public corporations have no ethic or racially diverse directors on their board. Latinos remain the least represented ethnic or racial group on California boards, despite the fact that 40% of California’s population is Latino.

•Latinos still hold a total of only 2.3% of California Public Company Board seats.

•Hispanic/Latino CA public board composition has increased by .2% from 2.1% to 2.3%.

•Board seats held by Black/African American and Asian saw a slightly larger quarterly increase compared to Hispanic/Latino, 0.6% and 0.3% respectively.

Of the 40% of new board appointments this quarter that went to women, only 2.5% of those went to Latinas.
